PHY 277 - "Computation for Physics and Astronomy" - Fall 2021

Course taught by Professor F. Douglas Swesty

Link to PHY 277 Code

  • Assignment 2: A "Hello World" program in FORTRAN
  • Assignment 3: Calculating the wavelength of a photon given two quantum energy levels
  • Assignment 4: Calculating relativistic and non-relativistic kinetic energies of a particle
  • Assignment 5: Evaluating a piecewise function of two variables using a block if construct
  • Assignment 6: Calculating the range and bearing of a target
  • Assignment 7: Evaluating a sum using an iterative do loop
  • Assignment 8: Evaluating definite integrals using Simpson's Rule
  • Assignment 9: Calculating basic statistics from a data set stored in a separate file
  • Assignment 10: Solving the Poisson equation for a 2D steady-state electromagnetics problem
  • Assignment 11: Utilizing subroutines in calculations

PHY 153 - "Data Analysis for Physics and Astronomy with Python" - Spring 2022

Course taught by Professor Joanna Kiryluk

Link to PHY 153 Code

  • Uncertainty Propagation Homework: Calculating and plotting the effects of the Doppler Effect
  • Final Project: Using the photoelectric effect to calculate Work Functions and Planck’s Constant

CSCI 111 - "Introduction to Algorithmic Problem Solving" - Fall 2022

Course taught by Ms. Rebecca Schley and Mr. Xiaopeng Tao

Link to CSCI 111 Code

CSCI 211 - "Object Oriented Programming in C++" - Spring 2022

Course taught by Dr. Jerry Waxman and Mr. Nikola Baci

Link to CSCI 211 Code

  • Assignment 2: Digital Counter
  • Assignment 3: Score the Race
  • Assignment 4: 2D 8 Queens with GoTo
  • Assignment 5: 1D 8 Queens
  • Assignment 6: Dumb 8 Queens
  • Assignment 7: 8 Numbers in a Cross
  • Assignment 8: Stable Marriage
  • Assignment 9: Integration using Function Pointers
  • Assignment 10: Towers of Hanoi
  • Assignment 11: Fancy 8 Queens
  • Assignment 12: N Queens
  • Bonus D: Robot Paths
  • Bonus E: Fibonacci with Memoization
  • Bonus F: Recursive Towers of Hanoi

CSCI 212 - "Object Oriented Programming in Java" - Spring 2022

Course taught by Dr. Kenneth Lord and Mr. Nikola Baci

Link to CSCI 212 Code

  • Project 1: Create a GUI that reads Roman Numerals from a text file and displays its Arabic value in the GUI
  • Project 2: Expand on Project 1 by using a linked list to store and sort Roman Numerals
  • Project 3: Expand on Project 2 by implementing an option to directly convert Roman Numerals
  • Project 4: Expand on Project 3 by using a HashMap and TreeMap for sorting

CSCI 313 - "Data Structures" - Fall 2023

Course taught by Dr. Surya Teja Gavva

Link to CSCI 313 Code

  • Project 1: Create a library system that can check items in an out and print orders.

CSCI 316 - "Principles of Programming Languages" - Spring 2024

Course taught by Dr. Anne Smith-Thompson

Link to CSCI 316 Code

  • Compiler Syntax Analyzer: Create a syntax analyzer to parse input into tokens

CSCI 323 - "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" - Spring 2024

Course taught by Dr. Anne Smith-Thompson

Link to CSCI 323 Code

  • Sorting Algorithms: Compare runtimes, comparison counts, swap counts for various sorting algorithms.

CSCI 340 - "Operating Systems" - Spring 2024

Course taught by Dr. Anne Smith-Thompson

Link to CSCI 340 Code

  • Job Scheduling: Given a set of "jobs", run a series of scheduling algorithms and evaluate the performance of each algorithm.

CSCI 325 - "Machine Learning" - Fall 2024

Course taught by Dr. Chialing Tsai

Link to CSCI 325 Code

  • Homework 1: Compute Distance and Covariance Matrices
  • Homework 2: Implement the Pocket Algorithm for a Linear Classifier
  • Homework 3: Logistic Regression with Regularization
  • Final Project: Create a multi-label classification model using the PASCAL VOC 2012 Dataset

CSCI 355 - "Internet and Web Technologies" - Fall 2024

Course taught by Raymond Law

Link to CSCI 355 Code

  • Final Project: Create a server that interacts with two APIs synchronously and with authentication (3LO OAuth2) and give a presentation.

CSCI 370 - "Software Engineering" - Fall 2024

Course taught by Dr. Chialing Tsai

Link to CSCI 370 Code

  • Project: Create software that utilizes a trained Random Forest to make a prediction and provide additional information. Give a presentation on the product and the development process. This was a group project. My coding contributions include all of the backend code, which is available here. The entire project can be found on my partner, Bryan Mejia's, repository.